Monthly Archives: October 2008
Tweets for 2008-10-31
Day one complete. In suburbs of Philadelphia for tonight. # Waiting for regional rail to get into Philly. Phillies winning the world series messing up with my touristy day plans. No space in the train # @ascetics dude if windows … Continue reading
Tweets for 2008-10-30
Waiting for the movers. Trip to Seattle begins today. Was up to 4am last night packing. Tired but excited about road trip. # Sitting on the floor while the movers move our worldly possessions. Why do we collect so much … Continue reading
Tweets for 2008-10-28
@rajatarya Ha! Windows Live Writer, foiling me again! Lame. Installed a new instance on the laptop for the road trip, sorry for tweet spam #
Tweets for 2008-10-27
@delconte I would agree everywhere except NYC. And in case anyone has forgotten, I am an old man that is dull and boring. #
Tweets for 2008-10-26
Looking through MLS listings in Seattle while listening to football. Boxes galore in the apartment. # @ascetics – real-estate listings. # Hotel searching for cross-country roadtrip, what site do you recommend? Can I just do Best Westerns across the … Continue reading
Tweets for 2008-10-25
Donated all my VHS to the library! Donated my Nintendo 64 and its games to charity (waah). My youth is slowly disappearing… #