Tweets for week ending on 2009-03-28

  • @oreoferret Wait a minute, what are you doing in WY? #
  • Just used ChipIn to contribute to the recording of Sinch’s new album. Are there authors using the same model to avoid the publisher system? #
  • I had abstained from listening to music for the past 1+ weeks until today. I have no idea why. No idea how I lasted that long. #
  • @kylerow Stop knocking wawa coffee. It will always be delicious in my mind. Buy wawa coffee online! Yay: #
  • @BenAtSite5 my response to question about what Site5 did poorly, led me to Dreamhost. in reply to BenAtSite5 #
  • Just noticed – can’t wait to hear more about it from my friends at Clearspring/Addthis. #
  • @kylerow That may be your best chance to convince me to move to the suburbs now… #
  • I forgot the keys to the new house. I dragged Shaily to deliver the keys only to find out the repair guys didn’t bring a big enough ladder. #
  • Bollywood: The place where bad rappers go to get featured on songs. #
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