Updated to WordPress 2.02 and Gallery 2.1

I finally got around to updating my site’s versions of WordPress and Gallery2. Unfortunately, I didn’t read the fine print about the Gallery 2.1 upgrade demolishing all previously working themes and modules. (Odd that a “minor” 0.1 update would incur such wrath on previously working themes, but alas, I cannot complain for not being diligent with my preparation prior to the upgrade.)

Anyway, I had to do some manual surgery to Gallery’s db in order to eliminate my now busted WordPress theme. So, now I don’t have the “fancy”, er, barely working, links from the Gallery to the main WordPress page. I also don’t have the same CSS page – so the fonts are incorrect. Hopefully this weekend I’ll sort it all out. Maybe I’ll use the WPG2 modules/themes. Maybe I’ll role my own. Maybe I’ll do nothing and have a social life instead. Maybe you’ll have to wait to find out.

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